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D, 1998–

  • 24 Fans
  • Serienwertung0 13999noch keine Wertungeigene: –

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Weiterer Titel: alpha-Forum extra
Gespräch & Diskussion
Im alpha-Forum kommen Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, Religion und Kultur in 45 Minuten ausführlich zu Wort. Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie die Gespräche, die Lebensläufe der Gäste und Literaturhinweise.
(BR alpha)
u. a. mit Biblische Gestalten (D, 1998)
u. a. mit Deutscher Schulpreis (D, 2006)
u. a. mit Stationen der Pädagogik (D, 2005)
u. a. mit Stationen der Literatur (D, 2005)

alpha-Forum Streams

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  • maamarazaq schrieb am 08.03.2024, 17.14 Uhr:
    Binding Lost Love Spells Specialist in USA UK Canada 27735257866 South Africa UAE Indonesia Singapore Turkey Luxembourg Finland Norway German Spain Sweden Malta Brunei Japan Ireland Iceland  Australia Qatar Croatia Austria Denmark Netherlands Romania Belgium Greece Belarus New Zealand Switzerland Cyprus Poland Estonia Egypt Fiji Wales Bahamas Taiwan Czech Republic Serbia Palau Lithuania Malaysia France Bulgaria Jordan Chile Algeria Zambia Zimbabwe Botswana Lesotho Italy Philippines Honduras Finland Hungary Mexico Macedonia Argentina Syria China Hong Kong Myanmar Kuwait South Korea Morocco Tunisia Libya Sudan San Marino Israel.. Binding love spells are for you if you think your lover or partner is cheating on you or they are losing interest in you. My binding love spells will bind you and your lover together so that you love each other, with no one cheating on you. You can contact maamarazaq on 27735257866 (Call/WhatsApp) OR Email:sheikhmbuga5@gmail.com  They will also make sure that you connect together, Is your husband r boyfriend no longer finding you attractive? Or do you want attract a specific person to ask you out or so that when you ask them out for a date they don’t refuse. Get my attraction love spells that will make you look more attractive to people of the opposite sex or to attract a certain person. The person who you've loved completely have walked away, but does that mean the love is over? Just like any energy which is created in the world, it does not disappear. That love energy is still there and when the love was true, these spells can help you to fix the love and restore it to the way it was. No matter what the problems may have been, you can rejuvenate the love with love spells that bring back a lost lover.
  • maamarazaq schrieb am 08.03.2024, 17.14 Uhr:
    Overpowering Lost Love Spell Caster in USA UK Canada 27735257866 South Africa UAE Indonesia Singapore Turkey Luxembourg Finland Norway German Spain Sweden Malta Brunei Japan Ireland Iceland  Australia Qatar Croatia Austria Denmark Netherlands Romania Belgium Greece Belarus New Zealand Switzerland Cyprus Poland Estonia Egypt Fiji Wales Bahamas Taiwan Czech Republic Serbia Palau Lithuania Malaysia France Bulgaria Jordan Chile Algeria Zambia Zimbabwe Botswana Lesotho Italy Philippines Honduras Finland Hungary Mexico Macedonia Argentina Syria China Hong Kong Myanmar Kuwait South Korea Morocco Tunisia Libya Sudan San Marino Israel..  Maamarazaq of spiritual love spells is a renowned powerful worldwide lost love spells caster, Powerful Psychic Love Spells that work,  Love Potion and Binding for Love, Marriage Protection Spells, Fortune Spells, Free Love Tarot Reading, Black and White Magic spells, Witchcraft Spells, Best Traditional Spiritual Healer, Herbalist, Sangoma with trusted Spells, Top online spell caster and many you’ve ever heard. Are you feeling the pain and sadness of a break up and desperate to get your ex back? Things are not easy for you. Call ☎:/What-Sapp: 27735257866  OR Email:sheikhmbuga5@gmail.com   Maamarazaq for urgent and effective assistance     You don't understand your ex's behavior the things he says. You still love your ex but says: "It's over
  • maamarazaq schrieb am 08.03.2024, 17.13 Uhr:
    Splendid Lost Lover Spells Caster in USA UK Canada 27735257866 South Africa UAE Indonesia Singapore Turkey Luxembourg Finland Norway German Spain Sweden Malta Brunei Japan Ireland Iceland  Australia Qatar Croatia Austria Denmark Netherlands Romania Belgium Greece Belarus New Zealand Switzerland Cyprus Poland Estonia Egypt Fiji Wales Bahamas Taiwan Czech Republic Serbia Palau Lithuania Malaysia France Bulgaria Jordan Chile Algeria Zambia Zimbabwe Botswana Lesotho Italy Philippines Honduras Finland Hungary Mexico Macedonia Argentina Syria China Hong Kong Myanmar Kuwait South Korea Morocco Tunisia Libya Sudan San Marino Israel..  100% guaranteed to get back your ex love, I have helped people all over the world to fix their marriage problems. Recommended and genuine lost love spell caster, For more information: You can contact maamarazaq on 27735257866 (Call/WhatsApp) OR Email:sheikhmbuga5@gmail.com   God/Allah gifted lost Lover Spells Caster to reunite you with your ex in 24 hours in South Africa. Get your ex back, even if they are currently with another lover. They will break up and he or she will come back to you, to be in your loving arms, the way it should have been all along. Break them up and bring back your lost.

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