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The Tomorrow People: The Medusa Strain

The Tomorrow People - The Medusa Strain
  • Serie:The Tomorrow People
  • Mitwirkende:Nicholas Young, Peter Vaughan-Clarke, Sammie Winmill, Stephen Salmon
  • Vertrieb:Revelation Films
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Professors Johnson and Cawston are investigating an Egyptian tomb - the interior of which has remained sealed for many thousands of years. When Johnson finally breaks through the final wall, a pulsating light fills the room causing Dr. Johnson to faint and the labourers to flee. Arriving on the scene too late to witness a mummy from the tomb shape shift into Johnson s image, Cawston doesn't become suspicious until he returns to England where he finds Johnson behaving strangely. He contacts the Tomorrow People for their help in solving this mystery. Liz, John and Professor Cawston (with a little help from a matter transporter) jaunt to Egypt to investgate further. At the same time, Evergreen Boswell witnesses Stephen win the TV s talent show 'Opportunity Knocks'. It s not until we see that the winning 'Stephen' is actually the shape-shifting robot Jedikiah that we finally realise that dark forces are afoot! Includes the episodes The Revenge of Jedikiah
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