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What Christians Ought to Believe Video Lectures: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Through the Apostles' Creed

What Christians Ought to Believe Video Lectures: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Through the Apostles' Creed
  • Mitwirkende:keine Angaben
  • Autor:Michael F. Bird
  • Vertrieb:Zondervan
  • VÖ-Datum:13.11.2018
  • Sprache:Deutsch
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Modern Christians have often hesitated to embrace the ancient creeds because of our "nothing but the Bible" tradition. In What Christians Ought to Believe Video Lectures, together with the accompanying book What Christians Ought to Believe, Michael Bird opens our eyes to the Apostles' Creed as a resource to explore and understand the basic teachings of the Christian faith.
Bringing together theological commentary, tips for application, and memorable illustrations, What Christians Ought to Believe Video Lectures summarizes the basic tenets of the Christian faith using the Apostles' Creed as the entryway. After first emphasizing the importance of creeds for the formation of the Christian faith, lessons introduce core beliefs about the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the Church.
What Christians Ought to Believe Video Lectures is ideally suited for both the classroom and the church setting to help beginning students and lay learners wanting to better understand what Christians ought to affirm if they are to be called Christians.
Session Titles and Runtimes:
1 - Christian Creeds for Beginners (22 min)
2 - Why You Need the Creed (22 min)
3 - I Believe (19 min)
4 - Believing in the Father (19 min)
5 - Believing in the Son: Divine and Human (21 min)
6 - Believing in the Son: Messiah and Lord (19 min)
7 - Believing in the Virgin Birth (19 min)
8 - Believing in the Cross: The Offence of the Cross (22 min)
9 - Believing in the Cross: The Victory of the Cross (21 min)
10 - Believing that Jesus Lives (19 min)
11 - Believing that Jesus Reigns (21 min)
12 - Believing in the Spirit (20 min)
13 - Belonging to the Church (19 min)
14 - Believing in Salvation, Waiting for God's New World (21 min)
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