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Rebus: Black And Blue / Hanging Garden / Dead Souls

Rebus: Black And Blue / Hanging Garden / Dead Souls
  • Serie:Rebus
  • VÖ-Datum:29.08.2005
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
John Hannah stars as the troubled Scottish detective Inspector Rebus in these three ITV adaptations of the popular Ian Rankin novels. In 'Black and Blue' (2000), a series of chilling murders by someone calling himself 'The Disciple' bear the hallmarks of another series of killings in the 1960s by the so-called 'Preacher'. Rebus is first on the case, and has to decide whether these killings are the work of a copycat, or of an old serial killer who has come out of retirement. In 'The Hanging Garden' (2001), the shooting of an undercover cop draws Rebus into a wide-ranging criminal conspiracy, involving a planned robbery at a pharmaceutical company, the forced prostitution of kidnapped women from Kosovo, and an impending war between two rival gangs that willl catch Rebus' daughter in the crossfire. Finally, in 'Dead Souls' (2001), the apparent suicide of an old friend leads Rebus into a sordid investigation to uncover a paedophile ring and track down a missing teenaged boy.
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