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The Seasons With Alan Titchmarsh

The Seasons With Alan Titchmarsh
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

In four fascinating and enchanting programmes, Alan Titchmarsh reveals how the seasons affect life in Britain – from Autumn mists to Spring pastures; Halloween celebrations to Mad March Hares and from boating on the Thames to snow-covered Yorkshire Dales.
In Britain, we are blessed with four very distinct seasons; each with its own character, charm, and idiosyncrasies. As Alan Titchmarsh takes us through the year, he reveals how and why we are so inextricably linked to the seasonal cycle. Alan seeks out people whose lives are still deeply affected by the changes each season brings. He looks at our seasonal festivals and activities and investigates how lengthening nights and variations in temperature transform our flora and fauna.
And, of course, the series revels in the spectacular natural images that the seasons deliver: starlings swarming above Brighton Pier; the fearsome autumn deer rut; the intricate mating rituals of our birds; the dance of the adders and the extraordinary sub-aquatic sight of toads wrestling to win a mate.With his knowledge and enthusiasm for gardening and natural history, Alan Titchmarsh is the perfect guide on this absorbing journey of discovery.
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Preisstand: 02.05.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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