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Ross Kemp: Battle For The Amazon

Ross Kemp: Battle For The Amazon
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Ross Kemp’s hard-hitting documentary on deforestation, poverty and crime in the Amazon rainforest. 
Ross Kemp travels to South America to investigate how oil companies are destroying large tracts of the Amazon rainforest in a desire to satisfy the planet’s energy needs; how bitter turf wars are being fought over cattle ranching and soy plantations; how the global demand for cocaine wreaks its own local destruction and how the rise in the price of gold has lead to people tearing up the rainforest just to earn a living.

Ross talks to ranchers, tribal people, environmentalists and scientists as he explores the link between deforestation and the impact of local degradation, poverty and crime. From the noxious fumes of a lagoon of dumped crude oil to a mining town where child prostitution is rife or a raid on an illegal logging plant, he walks the often alarming frontline between the daily struggle for survival and the environmental concerns of the planet.
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** günstigster Preis im Amazon.de-Marketplace
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Preisstand: 21.05.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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