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The Living Planet

The Living Planet
  • Serie:Die Erde lebt
  • Vertrieb:2entertain
  • VÖ-Datum:01.09.2003
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Filmed on five continents, The Living Planet examines one by one each of the earth's environments, seeing how living organisms survive and thrive in conditions which range from the Arctic to the tropical. Also revealed is how creatures in similar habitats thousands of miles apart have adopted intriguingly similar solutions to their common problems. The series begins at the beginning, how huge forces formed the earth, how continents move and how the planet has become so varied. The next 10 episodes concentrate on different environments: the frozen Poles, the northern forests, jungle, grasslands, deserts, the sky, rivers and lakes, tidal shores, islands, and oceans. The final programme looks at how humans have changed the earth's habitats, destroying but also creating new ones. It also looks at what the future may hold for the whole community on our amazing living planet.
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