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The Mad Death: The Complete Series

The Mad Death - The Complete Series
  • Serie:The Mad Death
  • Vertrieb:Simply Media
  • VÖ-Datum:07.05.2018
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Based on the novel by Nigel Slater and first broadcast on BBC One in 1983, The Mad Death is a frightening thriller about a modern plague that spreads across Britain!

The BBC's terrifying three-part drama about a rabies outbreak in Britain, captured the attention of the nation. Rabies had been eradicated from the United Kingdom but was still prevalent in parts of the Continent. Unwilling to leave her precious Siamese cat at home in France, a holidaymaker hides her pet in her fur coat and smuggles it into Scotland. Unknown to her, the cat had an encounter with a rabid fox and enters the country carrying the disease. It goes on to infect numerous other animals, but the spread of the plague goes unnoticed until it claims it's first human victim. The symptoms are horrific. The deadly rabies outbreak not only threatens the nation but is set to spread even further. Michael Hillard (Richard Heffer) and Ann Maitland (Barbara Kellerman) join forces to combat the killer plague, but is it too little too late?

Acclaimed for chilling cinematography and a haunting rendition of the title song All Things Bright and Beautiful , The Mad Death is a fictional story rooted in fact.

Directed by BAFTA-nominee Robert Young and adapted by Sean Hignett (Emmerdale) the drama co-stars Ed Bishop.

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