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Ax Men: Season 7

Ax Men - Season 7 (5 DVDs)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Timber markets have reached new heights and logging companies are pushing harder than ever to cash in. Falling trees, bonecrushing equipment, razor-sharp lines, lack of attention and sometimes just freak accidents can kill a logger in an instant. Every day there is a fine line between production and safety. AX MEN tells the story of the men who risk their lives to provide America with much-needed timber.

The heat is on as the fearless logging crews take to the forests in AX MEN: Season Seven. Shelby the Swamp Man Stanga, Rygaard and Papac return in a high-adrenaline battle against the unyielding elements and new arch-rivals. Each team will find themselves in a challenge for each hill pushing their limits, their equipment and themselves to unimaginable new heights. With lives and livelihoods on the line, this season will be the most explosive ever.
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** günstigster Preis im Amazon.de-Marketplace
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Preisstand: 20.05.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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