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Naked and Afraid: Lost in Paradise

Naked and Afraid - Lost in Paradise (4 DVDs)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Naked and Afraid is back with new couples, new challenges and even more extreme environments. Each week, a new pair of complete and total strangers, one man and one woman, find themselves stranded and exposed to some of the world's most extreme weather conditions as they are left high and dry with no food, no water and no clothes, as the term survival of the fittest is taken to its absolute limit. The duos must survive on their own for a full 21 days, with nothing but one personal item each. Will the nude castaways have the brains and brawn to endure the harsh conditions? Or will the challenges prove to be overbare-ing? Watch as each couple battles the elements, each other and their own inner weaknesses, to see who will triumph over the terrain or fail under the force of nature.
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Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr, Preise ggf. plus Porto & Versandkosten.
Preisstand: 01.05.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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