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  • Serie:Love/Hate
  • Vertrieb:Other
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
This explosive new drama is set in Dublin's gangland and stars Aidan Gillen (The Wire, Queer as Folk) and Robert Sheehan (Red Riding, Misfits). When a catastrophic event ignites the tensions in a small-time drug gang, family, ffriends and community must live with the impact.Having skipped town when a gun was found in his house a year ago, Darren Treacy (Sheehan) has been lying low in Spain. He's homesick and his brother's release fom prison sucks him back to his old stomping ground for the weekend.But when one of his old gang is killed, suspicion runs rife and thoughts turn to revenge. Darren runs into ex-girlfriend Rosie who he hasn't seen for over a year. He stil loves her, but it's complicated as she now lives with Stumpy (Peter Campion). Ovr and above finding the killer, there's money to be made and soon Darren is back working for gangland boss John-Boy Power (Aidan Gillen).As Darren gets closer to discovering the truth about the killing, tensions rise within the gang. Darren faces difficult decisions about his feelings for Rosie, his future and his loyalties. Can he win the battle without losing the war.RTÉ One's commitment to bold and original home-grown drama continues with this dynamic new four part drama.
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