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Steven Raichlen: Barbecue! Sauces: Rubs and Marinades

Steven Raichlen: Barbecue! Sauces, Rubs and Marinades
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Steven Raichlen, whose name needs no introduction to fans of The Barbecue! Bible, has spent years tasting the best barbecue the world has to offer. This global exposure is deliciously evident in his newest "bible," Barbecue! Bible Sauces, Rubs, and Marinades, Bastes, Butters, and Glazes. Raichlen's latest cookbook offers a lively introduction to such saucy American standbys as Kansas City-style and Texas-style barbecue while paying due respect to such international grill classics as Indian tandoori, Argentinean chimichurri, Korean boolkogi, and Indonesian satay (the recipes for these, by the way, are carefully authentic as well as delicious). The most important lesson Raichlen offers is his careful explanation of the components of great barbecue, which builds upon different layers of flavor. Variously referred to as wet rubs, marinades, cures, bastes, glazes, or slather sauces, these layers are clearly defined and supplemented by dozens of recipes. How to deploy these layers? According to personal taste, says Raichlen, but he helpfully offers a peek at the structure of a "championship barbecue," which might start with a long deep soak in marinade, followed by a dusting of spice mix, before being basted and glazed during the cooking process. When the meat is ready to be eaten, it is served with a finishing sauce, slather sauce, dipping sauce, or chutney. Raichlen provides fascinating recipes for every step, from the Only Marinade You'll Ever Need to recipes for homemade ketchups and mustards, both classic slather sauces. Novices who have yet to light their first grill and seasoned smoke hands alike will find this guide inspiring and indispensable. --Sumi Hahn Almquist
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