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Lucy Ball: The Lucy Show

Lucy Ball - The Lucy Show (2 DVDs)
  • Serie:Hoppla Lucy
  • Medium:2 DVDs
  • Vertrieb:ZYX Music GmbH & Co.KG
  • VÖ-Datum:11.10.2003
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
DVD 1:
Tackling a series on her own, without husband Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball firmly established herself as the first lady of American television with this long-running series. With one exception, the supporting cast underwent numerous changes over the years, and at one time included both of Miss Ball's real-life children. The one exception was Gale Gordon, who provided Lucy with a stubborn, stuffy foil for most of the show's run. The real constant, however, was Lucy and her special brand of slapstick humor, played off of all sorts of guests and regulars.

Laufzeit: 125 min.

DVD 2:
Tackling a series on her own, without husband Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball firmly established herself as the first lady of American television with this long-running series. With one exception, the supporting cast underwent numerous changes over the years, and hat one time included both of Miss Ball's real-life children. The one exception was Gale Gordon, who provided Lucy with a stubborn, stuffy foil for most of the show's run. The real constant, however, was Lucy and her special brand of slapstick humor, played off of all sorts of guests and regulars.


01 Lucy The Babysitter
02 Lucy & Paul Winchell
03 Lucy Flies To London
04 Lucy The Bean Queen
05 Lucy Meets The Law

Laufzeit: 125 min.

Animiertes Menü; Trivia Quiz; Biografien; Trailer; Kapitelanwahl;
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