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Phineas und Ferb

(Phineas and Ferb) 
USA, 2007–2015

Phineas und Ferb
  • Platz 735307 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 117444.19von 37 Stimmeneigene: –

Das Klimpaloon Ultimatum

(The Klimpaloon Ultimatum)
Um zu verhindern, dass Love Händel von einem wichtigen Musikwettbewerb ausgeschlossen wird, reisen Phineas, Ferb und ihre Freunde in die Heimat des Klimpaloon. Sie müssen der Jury des Wettbewerbs beweisen, dass der magischen Badeanzug Klimpaloon wirklich existiert. Indes versucht Dr. Doofenschmirtz seinen Bruder in ein Warzenschwein zu verwandeln, damit dieser seinen Bürgermeisterposten verliert.
(Disney Channel)
Wo läuft diese Folge?
  • Di 14.05., 16:10 h
  • Bild: © PLURIMEDIA (Disney Enterprises Inc.)
  • PHINEAS AND FERB - "Klimpaloon Ultimatum" - Love HŠndel's song "The Ballad of Klimpaloon" is nominated for "Best Fact-Based Song" at the Tristies, the tri-state area's music award show sponsored by Random Swimwear.  But when the existence of the magical, human-like bathing suit Klimpaloon is questioned, Phineas, Ferb and the gang must travel to the Himalayas to prove his existence and validate Love HŠndel's nomination.  Guest starring is Jon Stewart as Mr. Random, President of Random Swimwear. This episode of "Phineas and Ferb" premieres MONDAY, JULY 7 (10:30-11:00 a.m.) on Disney XD. (DISNEY XD) BALJEET, FERB, PHINEAS, ISABELLA, CANDACE, BUFORD
    PHINEAS AND FERB - "Klimpaloon Ultimatum" - Love HÅ ndel's song "The Ballad of Klimpaloon" is nominated for "Best Fact-Based Song" at the Tristies, the tri-state area's music award show sponsored by Random Swimwear. But when the existence of the magical, human-like bathing suit Klimpaloon is questioned, Phineas, Ferb and the gang must travel to the Himalayas to prove his existence and validate Love HÅ ndel's nomination. Guest starring is Jon Stewart as Mr. Random, President of Random Swimwear. This episode of "Phineas and Ferb" premieres MONDAY, JULY 7 (10:30-11:00 a.m.) on Disney XD. (DISNEY XD) BALJEET, FERB, PHINEAS, ISABELLA, CANDACE, BUFORD
    Bild: © 2014 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • PHINEAS AND FERB - "Klimpaloon Ultimatum" - Love HŠndel's song "The Ballad of Klimpaloon" is nominated for "Best Fact-Based Song" at the Tristies, the tri-state area's music award show sponsored by Random Swimwear.  But when the existence of the magical, human-like bathing suit Klimpaloon is questioned, Phineas, Ferb and the gang must travel to the Himalayas to prove his existence and validate Love HŠndel's nomination.  Guest starring is Jon Stewart as Mr. Random, President of Random Swimwear. This episode of "Phineas and Ferb" premieres MONDAY, JULY 7 (10:30-11:00 a.m.) on Disney XD. (DISNEY XD) PERRY THE PLATYPUS
    PHINEAS AND FERB - "Klimpaloon Ultimatum" - Love HÅ ndel's song "The Ballad of Klimpaloon" is nominated for "Best Fact-Based Song" at the Tristies, the tri-state area's music award show sponsored by Random Swimwear. But when the existence of the magical, human-like bathing suit Klimpaloon is questioned, Phineas, Ferb and the gang must travel to the Himalayas to prove his existence and validate Love HÅ ndel's nomination. Guest starring is Jon Stewart as Mr. Random, President of Random Swimwear. This episode of "Phineas and Ferb" premieres MONDAY, JULY 7 (10:30-11:00 a.m.) on Disney XD. (DISNEY XD) PERRY THE PLATYPUS
    Bild: © 2014 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cast & Crew
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Sa, 24.01.2015, Disney XD
Deutsche Free-TV-Premiere: Mo, 13.07.2015, Disney Channel
TV-Premiere: Mo, 07.07.2014, Disney XD U.S. (USA)
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