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(Air Crash Investigation / Mayday: Air Disaster) 
CDN, 2003–

  • Platz 307557 Fans
  • Serienwertung5 128554.89von 28 Stimmeneigene: –

Ein tödliches Detail

(Deadly Detail)
Alternativtitel: Explosion nach der Landung (N24)
China-Airlines-Flug 120 hat eine ruhige Reise hinter sich, als er am 20. August 2007 planmäßig in Okinawa, Japan landet. Doch nachdem die Boeing 737 geparkt ist und die Passagiere beginnen, ihr Handgepäck zu nehmen, breitet sich, ausgehend von der rechten Tragfläche, ein Feuer aus. Kurz darauf explodiert die Maschine. Was führte den überraschenden Brand herbei? Im Zuge der Untersuchungen machen die Ermittler eine beunruhigende Entdeckung, die auch zukünftige Flüge betreffen könnte.
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  • REENACTMENT - Lead Investigator (played by Oscar Hsu) finds the work order and looks up to consult with other investigators (played by background preformers). (Photo Credit: Cineflex/Ian Watson)
    REENACTMENT - Lead Investigator (played by Oscar Hsu) finds the work order and looks up to consult with other investigators (played by background preformers). (Photo Credit: Cineflex/Ian Watson)
    Bild: © National Geographic Channel
  • REENACTMENT - An investigator (played by a background performer) puts together the nuts and bolts found at the crash site and compares it to a diagram. (Photo Credit: Cineflex/Ian Watson)
    REENACTMENT - An investigator (played by a background performer) puts together the nuts and bolts found at the crash site and compares it to a diagram. (Photo Credit: Cineflex/Ian Watson)
    Bild: © National Geographic Channel
  • REENACTMENT - Lead Investigator (played by Oscar Hsu) looks through service bulletins while another investigator (played by a background preformer). (Photo Credit: Cineflex/Ian Watson)
    REENACTMENT - Lead Investigator (played by Oscar Hsu) looks through service bulletins while another investigator (played by a background preformer). (Photo Credit: Cineflex/Ian Watson)
    Bild: © National Geographic Channel
Cast & Crew
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Mi, 21.09.2016, National Geographic Channel
Deutsche Free-TV-Premiere: Mi, 16.08.2017, N24
TV-Premiere: Di, 28.06.2016, National Geographic Channel Australia (AUS)
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