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Immer wieder Jim

Jim hat immer Recht!(According to Jim) 
USA, 2001–2009

Immer wieder Jim
  • Platz 671691 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 55024.42von 95 Stimmeneigene: –

Andys Heiratsantrag

(Andy's Proposal)
Andy ist bis über beide Ohren in seine Freundin Emily verliebt und will sie sogar heiraten. Doch bevor er Emily einen Heiratsantrag macht, fragt er seinen besten Freund Jim um Rat. Doch Jim misstraut Andys Herzensdame und rät seinem Kumpel von einer Heirat ab. Er möchte beweisen, dass seine Zweifel berechtigt sind und beschließt, ihr nachzuspionieren - wobei er schließlich eine überraschende Entdeckung macht....
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  • Proposal" - Jim convinces Andy to propose to his girlfriend, Emily, before he loses her. But when Jim catches Emily having dinner with another man, he questions the wisdom of his own advice, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 (9:00-9:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RANDY HOLMES) MO COLLINS, JERE BURNS
    Proposal" - Jim convinces Andy to propose to his girlfriend, Emily, before he loses her. But when Jim catches Emily having dinner with another man, he questions the wisdom of his own advice, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 (9:00-9:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RANDY HOLMES) MO COLLINS, JERE BURNS
    Bild: © Disney / © 2013 The Walt Disney Company Germany
  • Proposal" - Jim convinces Andy to propose to his girlfriend, Emily, before he loses her. But when Jim catches Emily having dinner with another man, he questions the wisdom of his own advice, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 (9:00-9:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RANDY HOLMES) LARRY JOE CAMPBELL, MO COLLINS, JIM BELUSHI
    Proposal" - Jim convinces Andy to propose to his girlfriend, Emily, before he loses her. But when Jim catches Emily having dinner with another man, he questions the wisdom of his own advice, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 (9:00-9:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RANDY HOLMES) LARRY JOE CAMPBELL, MO COLLINS, JIM BELUSHI
    Bild: © Disney / © 2013 The Walt Disney Company Germany
  • ACCORDING TO JIM - "Andy's Proposal" - Jim convinces Andy to propose to his girlfriend, Emily, before he loses her. But when Jim catches Emily having dinner with another man, he questions the wisdom of his own advice, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 (9:00-9:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RANDY HOLMES) JIM BELUSHI, LARRY JOE CAMPBELL
    ACCORDING TO JIM - "Andy's Proposal" - Jim convinces Andy to propose to his girlfriend, Emily, before he loses her. But when Jim catches Emily having dinner with another man, he questions the wisdom of his own advice, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 (9:00-9:30 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RANDY HOLMES) JIM BELUSHI, LARRY JOE CAMPBELL
    Bild: © Disney / © 2013 The Walt Disney Company Germany
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Di, 13.10.2009, RTL II
TV-Premiere: Di, 09.12.2008, ABC (USA)
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