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Phineas und Ferb

(Phineas and Ferb) 
USA, 2007–2015

Phineas und Ferb
  • Platz 931307 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 117444.19von 37 Stimmeneigene: –

Der Zauberer von Spotz

(Wizard of Odd)
Candace hat keine Lust auf Hausputz. Mom gibt ihr das Buch "Der Zauberer von Oz" zu lesen. Und während Candace in die spannende Geschichte abtaucht, gehen Phineas und Ferb ans Werk! Sie heben mal eben das ganze Haus an, um auch darunter sauber zu machen. Und schon ist es geschehen. Candace fällt zu Boden und in einen tiefen Schlaf. Sie träumt, sie wäre in Spotz. Die Hexe Isabella verrät ihr, dass sie ihre nervigen Brüder in Fällig-City beim großen Zauberer auffliegen lassen kann. Um dorthin zu kommen, muss sie dem gelben Weg folgen. Zusammen mit der Streber-Scheuche Baljeet, dem Baum Jeremy und dem Löwen-Tiger-Bären Buford macht sie sich auf. Dabei wird zu Candaces Ärger natürlich viel gesungen. Unterwegs zeigen Phineas und Ferb ihr verschiedene Wege, die mehr Spaß machen und auch nach Fällig-City führen. Doch sie bleibt konsequent auf dem gelben Weg. Sie erlebt jede Menge Abenteuer - bis sie aufwacht und feststellt, dass alles nur ein Traum war ...
Folge "Der Zauberer von Spotz" anschauen
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    • Deutsch1080pab € 8,99*
    • Deutsch1080pab € 2,99*
    • Deutsch576pab € 1,49
  • Keine geplanten Ausstrahlungen.
  • PHINEAS AND FERB - "Wizard of Odd" -- In order to paint their house quickly, Phineas and Ferb build a contraption that spins it around, causing Candace to become so dizzy, she collapses.  She soon finds herself in the magical land of Odd where their friends Isabella, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Jeremy, Buford and Baljeet are remarkably like the characters in L. Frank Baum's book "The Wizard of Oz."  When Candace follows the yellow brick sidewalk to Bustopolis (to find the Wizard who can help her finally bust her brothers), things aren't what they seem, in an episode of the Emmy Award-winning hit series "Phineas and Ferb" premiering FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney Channel. (DISNEY XD) ISABELLA, CANDACE
    PHINEAS AND FERB - "Wizard of Odd" -- In order to paint their house quickly, Phineas and Ferb build a contraption that spins it around, causing Candace to become so dizzy, she collapses. She soon finds herself in the magical land of Odd where their friends Isabella, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Jeremy, Buford and Baljeet are remarkably like the characters in L. Frank Baum's book "The Wizard of Oz." When Candace follows the yellow brick sidewalk to Bustopolis (to find the Wizard who can help her finally bust her brothers), things aren't what they seem, in an episode of the Emmy Award-winning hit series "Phineas and Ferb" premiering FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney Channel. (DISNEY XD) ISABELLA, CANDACE
    Bild: © disney XD
  • PHINEAS AND FERB - "Wizard of Odd" -- In order to paint their house quickly, Phineas and Ferb build a contraption that spins it around, causing Candace to become so dizzy, she collapses.  She soon finds herself in the magical land of Odd where their friends Isabella, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Jeremy, Buford and Baljeet are remarkably like the characters in L. Frank Baum's book "The Wizard of Oz."  When Candace follows the yellow brick sidewalk to Bustopolis (to find the Wizard who can help her finally bust her brothers), things aren't what they seem, in an episode of the Emmy Award-winning hit series "Phineas and Ferb" premiering FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney Channel. (DISNEY XD) BALJEET, JEREMY, CANDACE, BUFORD, PHINEAS, FERB
    PHINEAS AND FERB - "Wizard of Odd" -- In order to paint their house quickly, Phineas and Ferb build a contraption that spins it around, causing Candace to become so dizzy, she collapses. She soon finds herself in the magical land of Odd where their friends Isabella, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Jeremy, Buford and Baljeet are remarkably like the characters in L. Frank Baum's book "The Wizard of Oz." When Candace follows the yellow brick sidewalk to Bustopolis (to find the Wizard who can help her finally bust her brothers), things aren't what they seem, in an episode of the Emmy Award-winning hit series "Phineas and Ferb" premiering FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 (8:30-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney Channel. (DISNEY XD) BALJEET, JEREMY, CANDACE, BUFORD, PHINEAS, FERB
    Bild: © disney XD
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Di, 13.07.2010, Disney XD
Deutsche Free-TV-Premiere: Fr, 20.05.2011, Super RTL
TV-Premiere: Fr, 24.09.2010, Disney Channel U.S. (USA)
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