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Wissen macht Ah!

D, 2001–

Wissen macht Ah!
WDR/Tilman Schenk
  • Platz 491283 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 71664.47von 17 Stimmeneigene: –

Ah! - I got it - Shary und Ralph: Turbulence

Shary and Ralph disturb, turn, flutter and confuse with butterfly effects and the chaos theory. They show in which direction whirl pools in a bath tub turn and give answers to the following questions: How are air pockets created? In the middle of a flight big air crafts sometimes “fall” downwards a little. Some people think this turbulence is a hole in the air. But Shary und Ralph prove that there are no holes in the atmosphere. They reveal what is in fact causing the plain to sag and the passengers to be afraid. Do you have to eat butterflies in order to have them in ones belly? What does the rice corn do in the salt shaker? Why does jello wobble? Why does the shower head whirl around in the bath tub? Knowledge is not a shame Shary and Ralph think, and they feed us as usual with knowledge-bits: five questions, five answers, five Ah!-experiences.
Folge 125 in englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln
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