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- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Christiane Stenger, Gedächtnistrainerin (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Marlene Mortler, Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Marcel Reif, Sportjournalist und Moderator (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Kulturstaatsminister a.D., Philosoph (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Stephan Lessenich, Lehrstuhl für Soziologie Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Rebecca Trescher, Jazz-Klarinettistin (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Anja Kohl, ARD-Börsenfachfrau (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Francesco Tristano & Alice Sara Ott, Pianisten (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Schulleiter Jugendstrafanstalt Berlin (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Johannes Friedrich, ehemaliger Landesbischof der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche in Bayern (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Vorsitzender Deutscher Ethikrat, evangelischer Theologe (ZDFmediathek)
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- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Vorsitzender Deutsches Institut für Vertrauen und Sicherheit im Internet (ZDFmediathek)
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- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Ursula Weidenfeld, Politikberaterin (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Siegfried Benker, Geschäftsführer Münchenstift (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Uschi Rodenstock, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Buchautorin (ZDFmediathek)
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- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Historikerin (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Beauftragte der Bayerischen Staatsregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderung (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Emotionen statt Fakten - Wissenschaft in der Vertrauenskrise (ZDFmediathek)
- 19.11.: Neue komplette Folge: Botschafterin des Rates der EKD für das Reformationsjubiläum 2017 (ZDFmediathek)
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Im alpha-Forum kommen Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, Religion und Kultur in 45 Minuten ausführlich zu Wort. Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie die Gespräche, die Lebensläufe der Gäste und Literaturhinweise.(BR alpha)
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u. a. mit Deutscher Schulpreis (D, 2006)
u. a. mit Große Gestalten des Mittelalters (D, 1999)
u. a. mit Stationen der Pädagogik (D, 2005)
u. a. mit Stationen der Literatur (D, 2005)
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User 1816910 schrieb am 04.03.2024, 09.05 Uhr:
27833895606 Powerful Magic Ring for wealthy|Money|Healing powers|Pastors|Leaders| in Eastern cape|Bisho|Northern cape|Kimberly|Southern Cape|Gauteng\Johannesburg|limpopo|Polokwane|Mpumalanga|wintbank|Magic Spells Rings are empowered with a special force that allows giving something beneficial to the wearer or owner of the ring. We have Powerful Magic Spell rings that ensure academic success, employment success, good fortune, protection from evil, overcome poverty, and increased fertility. There are many choices of Magic Spells Rings available for your needs in japan, the Uk, South Africa, Canada, Australia, London, Dubai, New Zealand, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Singapore, Spain, Japan, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Illinois, Gauteng, Sydney, USA, South Africa, Australia.
Magic Spells Rings for money and love
There is a lot of magical power that lies in the Anwar Magic ring that really works that I use for my clients that have gone ahead to make millions in all the businesses that they do that magically picked up profits after they started using my magic rings
User 1816910 schrieb am 03.03.2024, 12.44 Uhr:
27833895606 Mamlambo River Snake for money|Wealthy|Riches in Eastern Cape|Northern Cape|southern Cape|Gauteng|Johannesburg|Pretoria|Free state|Limpopo|Mpumalanaga
Mamlambo river snake. In 1997, South African newspapers (including Johannesburg’s The Star and CapeTown’s CapeArgus) reported on sightings of a “giant reptile” monster in the Mzintlava River near MountAyliff in South.Africa. Villagers in the area claimed that the creature was 20 meters (67 feet) long, and had the head of a horse, the lower.body of a fish, short legs, and the neck of a snake, and that it shined with a green light at night. During the period.between January and April 1997, as many as nine deaths had been attributed to the Mamlambo. According to policethe victims had been in the water a while and had the soft parts of their heads and neck eaten by crabs; local villagers.on the other hand, claimed that these mutilations had been caused by the Mamlambo’s habit of eating faces.brains. For this reason, the Mamlambo is often referred to as “the Brain Sucker”. As Felicity Wood points out.Extraordinary Khotso (2007), “The Mamlambo tends to be associated with Western forms of prosperity, like river snake| Mamlambo snake caught doing heist| Mamlambo snake for money
User 1816910 schrieb am 03.03.2024, 11.50 Uhr:
12 Money Spells That Work 27833895606 in usa|Canada|Newzeland|Australia|Beligium|Singapore|Haiti|Jamaica|South Africa
12 Money Spells That Work. Attract Wealth With Witchcraft. Money spells are Generally Luck Spells focused around.wealth and money. A spell to gain more money may reveal itself in a raise, or finding some money on the street.Money spells may also be used to spend money more wisely and save money at a greater rate of return.You’ll find rosemary in almost any spell because, as witches say, any witch worth his or her name should never be without rosemary.This herb is identified more with love, youth, protection and health, but it’s actually an all-around herb.Abundance Satchet Spell |Attract money |Bath Prosperity Spell |A Very Powerful Money Spell |Fame spell (invoke Apollo) |Full Moon Money Spell |Blessed Bucks |Luck and Money |Luck bag |Luck in Business Charm Bag |Magick Treasure Fleet Spell |Minty Money Growing |Money Shaker |Cleansing is an important step to dispel negativities and draw positive energies before doing any magical spell.To use as incense, set the herb on burning charcoal. Allow the smoke to waft through your home or businessspace. This will cleanse, reenergize, and bless your surrounding space.Heat a pot of water on a stove (fire). Drop rosemary leaves (earth) in the pot. Allow to boil. Allow the steam (air) to pervade your space.I am a professional Spiritual Healer. I’m here to help you with any problem or wish that you might have. Wehave more than 25 years’ experience in the field of Spell Casting / lost love spells caster in JohannesburgSpiritual Healing.My services are hugely in demand for instance which is proof of the success. I am however achieving on a day to day basis. Love spells, Lucky Charms, Traditional Medicine, Gay Love Spells, Break up spells, Love Spells, Marriage Spells, Protection Spells, Money spells,12 Money Spells That Work, Attract Wealth With Witchcraft, Spiritual Healing, Fortune Teller. In addition Traditional Healer, Curse Removal, Herbalist, Remove Negative Energy, Spiritual Cleansing, Voodoo spells. I’m a world-known spell caster in conclusion I can help you connect with your loved ones and answer questions. In other words you learn the direct answers that your soul wants you to know, liefde spreuken, Keep Lover Faithful Spell.
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