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USA, 2009–2016

  • Platz 1354358 Fans
  • Serienwertung4 134684.49von 349 Stimmeneigene: –

Der Fluch der Mumie

(Wrapped Up in Death)
Der Museumskurator Will Medina wird von einem herabstürzenden Wasserspeier erschlagen. Beckett und Castle müssen sich nicht nur die Frage stellen, ob es ein Unfall oder Mord war, sondern ob der schockierende Tod mit dem Fluch der Mumie eines Maya-Königs zusammenhängt, auf dessen Grabkammer Medina in Mexiko gestoßen ist. Erste Ermittlungen ergeben, dass Medina ein Verhältnis mit seiner Doktorandin hatte, die bereits während der Ausgrabungen auf grausame Weise ums Leben kam ...
(kabel eins)
Wo läuft diese Folge?
  • Mo 13.05., 13:55 h
  • Fr 17.05., 13:10 h
    Sa 18.05., 00:50 h
    So 19.05., 16:20 h
  • Will Medina, der Stellvertretende Kurator des Historischen Museums von New York, wird von einem herabstürzenden Wasserspeier erschlagen. Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) glaubt nicht, dass es ein Unfall war.
    Will Medina, der Stellvertretende Kurator des Historischen Museums von New York, wird von einem herabstürzenden Wasserspeier erschlagen. Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) glaubt nicht, dass es ein Unfall war.
    Bild: © ABC Studios Lizenzbild frei
  • CASTLE - "Wrapped Up in Death" - The investigation into the shocking death of a museum curator, crushed by a falling gargoyle, takes a bizarre turn when Castle and Beckett learn that he isn't the first member of a recent archeological expedition to die. It turns out there was a legend inscribed over the burial chamber the team unearthed warning that "all who gaze upon the face of the mummy are doomed." Was the curator just the latest victim of "The Mummy's Curse"?  And if so, what does that mean for Castle, who snuck a peek at the mummy when no one was looking?, on "Castle," MONDAY, APRIL 5 (10:02-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC. (ABC/ADAM LARKEY) SEAMUS DEVER, NATHAN FILLION, JON HUERTASCASTLE - "Wrapped Up in Death" - The investigation into the shocking death of a museum curator, crushed by a falling gargoyle, takes a bizarre turn when Castle and Beckett learn that he isn't the first member of a recent archeological expedition to die. It turns out there was a legend inscribed over the burial chamber the team unearthed warning that "all who gaze upon the face of the mummy are doomed." Was the curator just the latest victim of "The Mummy's Curse"?  And if so, what does that mean for Castle, who snuck a peek at the mummy when no one was looking?, on "Castle," MONDAY, APRIL 5 (10:02-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC. (ABC/ADAM LARKEY) SEAMUS DEVER, NATHAN FILLION, JON HUERTAS
    CASTLE - "Wrapped Up in Death" - The investigation into the shocking death of a museum curator, crushed by a falling gargoyle, takes a bizarre turn when Castle and Beckett learn that he isn't the first member of a recent archeological expedition to die. It turns out there was a legend inscribed over the burial chamber the team unearthed warning that "all who gaze upon the face of the mummy are doomed." Was the curator just the latest victim of "The Mummy's Curse"? And if so, what does that mean for Castle, who snuck a peek at the mummy when no one was looking?, on "Castle," MONDAY, APRIL 5 (10:02-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC. (ABC/ADAM LARKEY) SEAMUS DEVER, NATHAN FILLION, JON HUERTASCASTLE - "Wrapped Up in Death" - The investigation into the shocking death of a museum curator, crushed by a falling gargoyle, takes a bizarre turn when Castle and Beckett learn that he isn't the first member of a recent archeological expedition to die. It turns out there was a legend inscribed over the burial chamber the team unearthed warning that "all who gaze upon the face of the mummy are doomed." Was the curator just the latest victim of "The Mummy's Curse"? And if so, what does that mean for Castle, who snuck a peek at the mummy when no one was looking?, on "Castle," MONDAY, APRIL 5 (10:02-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC. (ABC/ADAM LARKEY) SEAMUS DEVER, NATHAN FILLION, JON HUERTAS
    Bild: © Universal TV
  • Hat der Tod von dem stellvertretenden Kurator des Historischen Museums von New York tatsächlich etwas mit dem Fluch der Mumie eines Maya-Königs zu tun? Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) geht der Sache auf den Grund ...
    Hat der Tod von dem stellvertretenden Kurator des Historischen Museums von New York tatsächlich etwas mit dem Fluch der Mumie eines Maya-Königs zu tun? Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) geht der Sache auf den Grund ...
    Bild: © Universal TV
Cast & Crew
Diese Episode auf DVD
Deutsche TV-Premiere: Fr, 11.02.2011, kabel eins
TV-Premiere: Mo, 05.04.2010, ABC (USA)
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